Thursday, 6 October 2011

101 things....

January last year a friend of mine told me about how she was writing a list of 101 things she would like to do and gave herself 1001 days. Brilliant idea right? So thanks to Laura I wrote my own and then totally forgot about it...ooopsie but thanks to Katy for reminding me I thought I would look through and see if have have achieved many of them.
  1. Join the gym - Ok so I still haven't done this because I'm just plain lazy. I always use the excuse that I have no money or time but if I'm truly honest I just find the idea of being sweaty with other sweaty people a little gross.
  2. Go to the gym at least 2-3 times a week - Obviously can't happen without #1
  3. Write a blog at least once a month - ooopsy I haven't been on top of this one but I'm planning on making up for that.
  4. Take a cooking class - Done! A couple of friends from work and I went to a little Thai cooking class. It was great because we were split into groups and each group made two dishes. At the end of the class (which was tiny anyway) we all sat down to eat what we had cooked. Delicious!
  5. Save $5,000 - This is so NOT going to happen.
  6. Read 10 classic novels - I had forgotten about this one. This will be great to do over summer when I'm living by the pool.
  7. Keep my GPA above 6 - I was doing so well until the disaster that was last semester. This semester has been pretty good though so fingers crossed it will jump back up and I will be back on track.
  8. Donate blood- Done! I went once with the moral support of Laura, who supplied me with someone's hand to hold and lots of yummy food for afterwards. I have been a couple of times since and it is just such a rewarding experience. 
  9. Move out of home and into my own place. - This probably won't be happening for a very long time...But a girl can dream
  10. Do a detox - liver cleansing or the lemon detox - I did a 48 hour detox that was totally rough. A friend has done the lemon detox and felt amazing though. I think I will definitely need to give it a try.
  11. Keep a food and exercise diary for a month - Done! I did this from January to May this year. It was a great way to keep track of what I was doing/eating. Managed to lose 13kg in the process. I really should start doing it again.
  12. Go to speed dating - I still want to do this. It think it would be really interesting to see the people that go to things like that. Plus lets face it I haven't had a lot of luck with meeting people so something good might come out of it.
  13. Have a caffine free day once a month. - I gave up coffee completely in November last year. Unfortunately my total addiction to diet coke has prevented this goal from happening. But I get points for the coffee right??
  14. Have an alcohol free week once every 3 months - My extreme lack of a social life has resulted in this happening most months.
  15. Buy a new computer - Done! New Macbook Pro :)
  16. Get my certificate III in Nail Technology - I really want to do this. Once again time and money play huge factors in why it hasn't happened yet. But maybe over summer.
  17. Spend a weekend at a spa/retreat - Come on ladies we MUST book this soon.
  18. Have a girls holiday in Sydney - Done! An excellent weekend with some of my favourite people. 
  19. Go for dinner at Cloudland in Brisbane. - Still to be done. I'm having a girls weekend in Brisbane in November with the work ladies. This could be an option for us then.
  20. Eat really really healthy for 1 week - Haha I love how realistic I was to only set myself the goal of eating really healthy for only 1 week. Even though I was so realistic I'm sure it hasn't happened yet. Shameful!
  21. Read 5 autobiographies - Another job for the summer break.
  22. Go to a music festival - Whatever! Music festivals are over-rated. haha says the girl who has never been to one. I don't really see this happening.
  23. Take a road trip - I'd really love to do this. A proper road trip somewhere. Anyone feel like a road trip to Cairns?
  24. Go on an old fashioned picnic - Done!
  25. No takeaway food for 3 weeks - hmmm no.
  26. Achieve a healthy BMI - Nope
  27. Pay out all my debts - Unachievable at the moment
  28. Hang photos of friends and family on the wall (in frames). - Frames bought and photos printed. I wish the photos were a little more recent though. Maybe I might need to take some more before I hang them up.
  29. Take my Grandma out for High Tea - Done! We had high tea at the Marriot one afternoon. It was so sweet.
  30. Spend more quality time with Gracie - Definitely doing that now that she is living with me again. Plus it is so fun spending time with her now that she is a little more grown up. Did I mention I love this kid? :)
  31. Travel overseas - Fiji (Dec 2010)
  32. Buy really nice linen for my bed - Bought ages ago but only put on my bed today.
  33. Buy european pillows and cushions for my bed - Done!
  34. Make my bed everyday for a month - My current challenge
  35. Organise all my shoes - 90% of my shoes are still in storage :( but I will be so excited when I finally get them out and I can play with them again.
  36. Have my teeth whitened - Money won't allow this. I have however been using the White Glow toothpaste range (day and night toothpaste...clever right?) and I think it is working a little bit.
  37. Hold a 3 course dinner party with friends - mmm I'd love to do this but I don't know if it's possible with where I'm living right now.
  38. Explore a new city - Love to
  39. No cigarettes for 1 week per month (ouch this one is going to hurt) - I quit!! Woop go me :)
  40. Go on a wine/vineyard tour - Katy this is on your list. We must go together!
  41. Hold a cocktail party- Once again I don't know how that will go with where I'm living at the moment.
  42. Give 500 compliments - Wow I didn't really think that one would I keep track of that? I'm sure I have though.
  43. Make a gingerbread house - What out Christmas time!
  44. Do the 40 hour famine - Still to be done.
  45. Go to the dentist - Ouchie ouchie totally putting this off for as long as possible.
  46. Cook dinner every night for 1 week.- Summer job :)
  47. Go to a sci-fi convention - Done! Laura and I went to Supanova (not really a sci-fi convention but pop culture expo counts) and it was AWESOME! We met Helo from BattleStar Galatica or Fal as I affectionately call him and Tom Felton. Yes you read that right...Tom Felton, adorable Harry Potter star.
  48. See a musical I saw Mamma Mia for the 2nd time with the family last year. It was little Gracie's first live Musical :) Plus I saw Wicked with the awesome Miss Laura in January.
  49. See a play
  50. Get eyelash extensions
  51. Get a pedicure every 2 months - Money doesn't allow for this. But it most definitely happens all the time in the summer months. 
  52. Go skinny dipping - What was I thinking when I wrote this list?
  53. Do the 'Special K  - Two week challenge' - I forgot about this one. Shall do it.
  54. Try 10 new restaurants - I'm sure this has been done. I have tried heaps of new restaurants over the last 2 years. I'm labeling this one as done. The end!
  55. Sing a song in public - Terrified by this. I think the insane singing I do and work counts though.
  56. See a movie at the cinema by myself - Terrified by this as well.
  57. Do something completely out of  character - Not sure what yet...suggestions?
  58. Attend a murder mystery party - Ew really? Really what WAS I thinking?
  59.  Get 100% on guitar hero - I suck at guitar hero. Grace takes great pleasure in showing me how awesome she is as I just fumble along.
  60. Attend a Rocky Horror Night - I really really really want to do this. If I can't find one of these I will definitely be hosting one of my own.
  61. Have a candle lit dinner - Do all the dinner's at K(e)'s house count?
  62. Go 2 weeks without eating any chocolate - This won't happen until uni is over.
  63. Watch all of my DVDs again - Storage :(
  64. Reply to emails within the week - I'm pretty good with this. I have been trying to keep on top of all my emails.
  65. Play mini-golf - Sounds like a good afternoon activity for Grace and I. 
  66. Buy a plant and keep it alive for at least 3 months - Super hard challenge for me. But I'm going to do it!
  67. Move all my photos/music etc from my old laptop onto my imac - Done!
  68. Give someone a 'just because' gift - I didn't blog about this but I gave my lovley friend Laura a Sandwizrds present just because I knew she would love it so much. That reminds me I really should see if she ever made it.
  69. Go to the beach - Done!
  70. Go to the Melbourne Comedy Festival - I have been heaps of times but sadly not since I wrote this challenge. Emmy and I have agreed that we will go the festival after we finish uni...sadly outside the cut of date :(
  71. Document 'A day in my life' with photos - To be done
  72. Go to a shooting range - Done!
  73. Organise all my uni stuff - Done! Then disorganised, then organised again....and current status is c
  74. Have a loose change jar - All of my change goes to Griffith University's parking lot. But I shall invest in a jar solely for this challenge.
  75. Go on a bush walk 
  76. Go to the zoo
  77. Watch a TV series from beginning to end - Laura got me into Battlestar Galatica. LOVED IT! I did nothing for about 2 weeks :) Another series Laura got me interested in was Game of Thrones. Laura you are like some sort of TV dealer. Surely you should be getting a commission of some sort.
  78. Have a professional massage - I have had a few of these recently.
  79. Donate clothes to charity - Done!
  80. Make a mix CD for a friend - Done!
  81. Choose a wedding dress - Considering my current state of spinsterness I am deciding that I will not do this just yet as I wish to remain a postiive and happy person.
  82. Place 1st/2nd/3rd at Trivia  - Done! We rocked it down at The Cave on Trivia night. Good times :)
  83. Have a garage sale - Done!
  84. Make a desert (from scratch) - Done! Dark Chocolate Oreo Mousse Cake Yummm
  85. Cook my way through a Nigella cookbook for 1 week - After this semester I shall be doing this.
  86. Drink nothing but water for 1 week - Yeap hasn't happened
  87. Read 3 books on Oprah's Books Club list - Summer list
  88. Write 5 close friends a handwritten letter - Oooh I love this, how had I forgotten about this?
  89. Walk the Breast cancer 5km marathon - Next year
  90. Watch the sunrise on the beach - To be done this summer
  91. Take Gracie to her first rock concert - Oooo fun
  92. Go out dancing with the girls - Done a million times
  93. Go to a fake hens night - Ew yeah this is so not happening
  94. Get out of bed before 9am everyday for a week - Done!
  95. Donate to an animal shelter - Done! Recently I took a lot of old blankets, towels and linen to the local animal shelter.
  96. When buying clothes, choose the coloured option over black. - I have been trying to do this recently and there is a little colour slipping into my wardrobe.
  97. Eat breakfast everyday for a month
  98. Take Gracie out to a theme park - Done! Laura, Meaghan and I went with Little Miss Grace to Movieworld. Grace's first roller coaster ride (which really isn't a proper roller-coaster) was the ScoobyDoo ride. We waited for what felt like 10 years but was really an hour and the whole time I was trying to talk Grace out of going on it...just so I didn't look chicken because I was terrified. But we went on it and my friends were amazing. Laura sat in the front of the cart with Grace (being the supportive adult I should have been) and Meaghan held my hand in the back. Shameful but I love my friends!
  99. Read all of the Harry Potter novels again - Done! I took all of the books to Fiji with me last year. I read all 7 of the books in order by the pool with a cocktail in hand. It was heaven.
  100. Have a meal at Hooters - Done! I went with a group of friend from Uni and roped K(e) in as well. Katy and Laura were a little upset with me because I went without them. But it wasn't my idea to go I promise....
  101. Spend a weekend in Brisbane with Friends - Done! 



    So, reading this has made me almost late for work but I had to comment. Will comment more when I get home from work :)

  2. Okay...I swear I commented on this yesterday while I was at work...seeing as I can't recall that far back in time I can't remember what my comment was! I know I said that I almost made it all the way to 101 but I was at I couldn't read it all. Also that I can never make lists like this because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to mark to many off my list! You did a great job accomplishing so many! Oh and congratulations on quitting smoking! Woo hoo!

  3. You've actually done quite a few things on this list. Congrats! And no, I still haven't done the Sand Wizard thing... AND you gave me another present in the form of my Coke bottle with my very own name on it!! What a great friend you are :)

    I really want to write another list, I'm not really interested in half the things on my original list anymore!
